Members of Alpha Sheep Genetics and Premier Suftex Groups

Latest Happenings

Here is the latest news and updated from Twin Farm Genetics

Shedding Tail

For a few years now we have been identifying TEFRoms with a shedding tail. The current advantage of this is reduced dagging. An important things we must watch though is that we aren't losing the wool from other key areas. The photo here shows two TEFRom ewes with shedding tails, in the paddock with their lambs. There is another TEFRom ewe without a shedding tail also in the picture. We have always focused on having a big clear patch, but this is an added bonus that we are selecting for while maintaining a quality fleece.

The proof is in the progeny

© Andrew, Katherine, Russell and Pam Welsh - 808 Waimea Valley Road, RD7, Gore (9777), New Zealand